
Fake News Campaign

With claims on current as well as timeless topics in familiar advertising language, we developed a “fake campaign”

octopus energy

Ad Banners for octopus energy on egoFM

sauberdrauf! party bag

Very fresh: the sauberdrauf! party bags

Design Classics: Chaca Chaca Records

Records Covers / Album Design Studies, 2011

Classic: Harry Klein Club / Flyer Artwork

Lost & Found: Artwork for the Harry Klein Club, published and unpublished. Made in Beijing & Munich, 2006…

Classic: Stickers for Mooner’s 2003

Crime & Punishment Footage Animation

Just found some nice footage from the chinese movie Crime & Punishment (an old project we worked for)…

Classic: Highflyer Booklet – Analog Interactive

The analog, interactive “Ultrasound x Highflyer” book and more from 2001 in the original here.

Classic: 5 Years Ultrasound – The Highflyer Book

Electronic image and sound research 1995-2001 Book The “Highflyer” book was published on the occasion of the 5th…

Classics: Harry Klein Artwork 2003-2006 Show

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