Pregnant? Zero per mille!

Pregnant? Zero per mille! is a campaign that we were commissioned to develop by the Bavarian State Center for Health (LZG) and the Bavarian Center for Prevention and Health Promotion (ZPG) at the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety, a division of the Bavarian Ministry of Life and the Bavarian Prevention Pact following an initiative from the Bavarian State Parliament. The aim of the campaign is to inform expectant mothers and all those who accompany them during pregnancy about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and thus create greater awareness of the resulting danger. This is done in a gentle and non-punitive way. The focus is on the website Pregnant? Zero per mille! with a blog where, in addition to a wealth of information, several real mothers and fathers post their real experiences and adventures and – as a small novelty for the client – intensive communication via the most important social media channels. In addition, a large number of accompanying and thematically appropriate giveaways and accompanying materials were created.