On behalf of the University of Tübingen, we developed a progressive web app as a computer-based intervention program…
Christmas, New Year & Halloween Easter 2015, photo by werbelaeufer CC-BY-SA-2.0
egoFM now in Erlangen on UKW (on 106,2 & also new: bavaria-wide via dab+) and this is celebrated…
Artwork, Print Templates and KittinBatBox Website for MissKittin, 2007-2008 Unfortunalty there’s just this old flyer left, found in…
Briefly in own thing: for over two years the “new” website stood there ready as building site, today…
Since the morning of September 20th the website of the great parytdrug prevention project mindzone is finally clean…
Logo- and Interface-ReDesign for a German-Language-Learning App, 2016 (Preview)
There is life after Joomla: the new searchxml website for our informationpartners