clean on it: the new mindzone website

Since the morning of September 20th the website of the great parytdrug prevention project mindzone is finally clean again! After almost 10 years we could finally relaunch the website. The more beautiful world! may mindzone since 2001 care and that was the meanwhile third Relaunch, the last what from the year 2006 – at that time Made in China, Peking & Munich.

Now with even more semantics, CMS, editorial system for all, SEO optimization and much more. But above all all old contents were taken over without URL break. Everything is now fully cross-platform or cross-device consistently responsive and much more. By the way, although our last version from 2006 already had a fluid layout, despite the misgivings (“Who surfs with a mobile phone!!?”) we already had a forward-looking, visionary design back then.

Since the relaunch, the number of visitors has increased more than a hundredfold (x 100)…
