Lost & Found: Artwork for the Harry Klein Club, published and unpublished. Made in Beijing & Munich, 2006…
Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren Just…
Classics: Stickers, around 1999
The more beautiful world! Regulars’ table (Stammtisch) becomes regulars’ dance, Munich becomes Beijing and the more beautiful world!…
Update: Offline & Relaunched 2015–>Harry’s coolest website version is now archived and back online!
HarryKlein Club Munich, December 2007 Flyer- & Web-Artwork. The conception of the harrykleinclub.de website is a monthly changing…
Some artwork for the Flokati House CD-Compilation by HarryKlein Records