Artwork for the Bavarian Crystal Hotline

As a “super-last-minute 48-hour hot job” we were to provide visual development assistance for the design of the new Bavarian “Crystal Hotline” operated by DrugStop. afford. Specifications were besides the content actually only the not umbedingt advantageous (3-Schiften-) Logo… We made a virtue out of necessity and only the idea counts: Instead of “hiding” the logo – at the bottom, on the right as small as possible – we put it in the foreground, Crystal in front of it, Hotline after it and e vóila – done and everyone is happy!

The whole thing was presented at the end of July 2014 at a joint press conference by Bavaria’s Health Minister Melanie Huml and the Federal Drug Commissioner Marlene Mortle. Exciting on the side we found the typo game of the question “Has Crystal changed your life – positively/negatively?” reminding a bit of our I (BROKEN/HEART) “LOVE” CRYSTAL-METH campaign for mindzone….


roll up

DrugStop Crystal Hotline RollUp


DrugStop Crystal Hotline Poster


Information sheet with detachable card of the hotline number


Flyer backside
