You can still find my first plastic bag not only in the streets of Munich. The plastic bag…
The first monthly program of the new series for Beijing’s best club Yugong Yishan.
Artwork for the December program for China’s #1 club Yugong Yishan.
Artwork for the David Binney concert in October 2015 at the Beijing club Yugong Yishan. Saxophonist Dave is…
Our new artwork: “Syria – where to?”
The new artwork for the Yugong Yishan November program.
Artwork for the October program for Beijing’s #1 club Yugong Yishan.
Artwork for the September program for China’s #1 club Yugong Yishan.
The more beautiful world! Regulars’ table (Stammtisch) becomes regulars’ dance, Munich becomes Beijing and the more beautiful world!…
As part of the interactive media column for the alcohol prevention project“Starker Wille statt Promille!“, these boards were…