IRIS Platform 3.0

IRIS accompanies pregnant women in abstaining from alcohol and nicotine. We developed from 2016 to launch 2018 on behalf of the University of Tübingen and the BzGA with support from the Federal Ministry of Health, the redesign of (IRIS-III) with a focus on attractive user experience such as design (UX/UI) and focus for use on mobile devices.

Since the existing versions were developed on Typo3, the retention of this CMS was a requirement, to our great regret. We would have loved to port the application to WordPress as part of the redesign, but usually our friends at Net-UP AG can shine as experts with many years of Typo3 experience. Special thanks at this point again to Annett for her patience during the lengthy tunnel rides and the spontaneous “drilling of the tunnel”… ;)

Image World IRIS Pregnant Women

IRIS: Practical help against alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy

With the IRIS online counselling you can deal intensively with the topic of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy. You will get tips on how to be successful in not smoking or drinking alcohol during pregnancy. We accompany you through all phases: From the information to the consumption stop.

Design. The visual development and design of IRIS 3


The explanatory video on the use of gives a good impression of the design of the user interface (UI) and experience (UX; “look & feel”). The video was produced using real screencasts, voiceovers, music and transcript.


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UI/UX design, interface & screen design



Excerpts of the development

Icons / Iconfont

iris-ui-iconfont webfont

For fast loading times and minimization of server requests we developed icons and generated a webfont from them.



A small flyer for IRIS platform (IRIS-III-Flyer-DinLang-001-Web)A small flyer for IRIS platform new Verwsion 2

Functions of the application

  • With the IRIS online counselling you can deal intensively with the topic of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy. You will get tips on how to be successful in not smoking or drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
  • We accompany you through all phases: From the information to the consumption stop.
  • In various modules we provide you with helpful information and exercises – not only on the subject of smoking or alcohol, but also on relaxation options, nutrition and beneficial activities during pregnancy.
  • Our interactive online exercises invite you to focus on your personal needs and possible solutions.
  • If necessary, a consultant will support you by e-mail (our so-called “e-coach“).
  • Participation is anonymous and free of charge.
  • You can use IRIS at home or on the road at any time – via PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.