The April artwork for Beijing’s best club Yugong Yishan.
No, not with: this theater in China. Beijing. Peking Theater, not opera. Theatre in Yugongyishan, that’s what it…
The new artwork for Beijing’s best club Yugong Yishan. A quarter view of the Backside eFlyer of the…
The more beautiful world! Manifesto from the year 2000…
Hard to miss, the egoFM Litfaß column is everywhere in the city! Now new with less green, more…
Briefly in own thing: for over two years the “new” website stood there ready as building site, today…
Since the morning of September 20th the website of the great parytdrug prevention project mindzone is finally clean…
Logo- and Interface-ReDesign for a German-Language-Learning App, 2016 (Preview)