My false friend – Crystal Meth

The prevention campaign “My false friend: Crystal Meth” (Mein falscher Freund) was commissioned by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care in cooperation with the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, Building and Transport, the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office and the University of Television and Film Munich.

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The schönereWelt! was commissioned with the consulting, conception and design. In addition to the development of a logo and the campaign’s visual identity, the production included various information materials and the development of the website, which is at the heart of the campaign. As fancy alias domains we could register Meth.Bayern and Crystal.Bayern. The films of the HFF can be found on the YouTube channel of the project which was presented to the public on November 8, 2017.

It was important for us to address the target group in an authentic and credible way. This was achieved by taking the consumer’s point of view for the entire content:

More energy & stamina: everything gets easier on crystal meth






Besides a lot of press coverage, the campaign also made it into a major feature, in the world renowned, urban and very progressive lifestyle magazine VICE. In this, especially the manner and style, but also the address was praised:

So surprisingly the Bavarian government warns against crystal meth

Bavaria wants to reach the kind of people you probably belong to – and there are good reasons for that.





Also worthy of note is the Wikipedia entry created as a result.


Logo/Title Animation


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